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Course "Geometric and numerical methods in optimal control II" of Cimpa School on OPTIMAL CONTROL AND APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING (https://cimpa.lis-lab.fr).
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Experimental rendering extensions for Radium. Obsolete since 2021-06. Will be removed in 2022-06
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Code for the paper:
Charlotte Roze, Chloé Braud, Philippe Muller. Which aspects of discourse relations are hard to learn? Primitive decomposition for discourse relation classification. Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue, Sep 2019.
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A web server with a friendly UI that can create mutiples services designed to be used for OCE
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LASER(https://www.irit.fr/lase) is a research project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) which main objective is to investigate how to better understand and support students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) strategies in BL.
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A tool for running HPC benchmarks using several type of leverages (DVFS) and low-level monitoring (hardware performance counters, RAPL) mostly on Grid5000.
Documentation is available here: https://expetator.readthedocs.io/
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An Open Source System, Energy and Network Monitoring Tools at the O/S level MojitO/S runs on GNU/Linux
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Plugin to simulate users in batsim (bat-men) and custom schedulers.
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