Release notes
- Added a way to record in which order agents wake up in a simulation
- Added a deterministic scheduler that wake up agents according to the last record
Release notes
- environment is now capable of wrapping agent around the world
- added behaviors for more abstraction and cleaner code
Release notes
- agents now respects perception, decision, action pattern
- agents will now move instead of staying when close to a wall
- now using SecureRandom with SHA1PNRG for random
Release notes
- refactored code to be more generic
- can be run without interface
- agents infection rate can be stacked
- compiling code now produce a ready to use jar file
- added a python script to run the experiment and plot the results
Release notes
- SEIR / SEIRS model
- synchronous/asynchronous scheduler
- code follow MVC design pattern
Release notes
- SEIR model
- implements asynchronous and synchronous scheduler
Release notes
- implements SEIR
- synchronous scheduler only